28 Nov 2016

Former friend of mine.

The more you try
to show everyone
how happy you are,
the more it's shows
how much you wish
you could believe it.

My most sincerest apollogies
for your pretending skills
and repressed misery
you actually live in.

The more you laugh out loud
so everyone
can notice you
the more attention
you attract to unveil
your souless smile
and deep hollow

My most sincerest apollogies
for your pretending skills
and repressed misery
you actually live in.

It's pretty comfortable for us
to know
you are ok, pretty good
so we don't have to deal with
your sorrow
Though you may know
that if you were honest
we will really wish you good,
and by we I mean I, me and myself
'cause you know i'm the only one who notices

My most sincerest apollogies
for your pretending skills
and repressed misery
you actually live in.

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