10 Sept 2016


Shamelessly, I walk around, shooting
even recklessly I show my open chest waiting for the reply
desiring to be gunned in the middle of my chest
from such desire the bullet arrives
not from the outside but the inside
the shot was prone to miss
but since I knew exactly where it came from
I managed to receive it.

Why do I shoot carelessly looking for such attention?
Wasn't it an excuse to open my chest?
Do I need to go back to my shelter again?
Do I?
Have I spent too much time is such a manner? 
Am I tired of this?
Am I?
Or is it that 'It' doesn't want me to leave?

I should stop shooting
for certain
and I'll keep the bullets for myself
as I recognize that I need to not be talking anymore.
Or that much.

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