7 Apr 2009

Ten years ago I was ten.

Ten years ago I was ten.
I have missed my memories from ten years ago, but yesterday I started to remember... I Think that when I Was a child I was a normal boy, like everyone, But I had no much friends. At about ten years ago, my sister was born, and I remember that I use to tell her my secrets. I told her what I use to think about the other persons and how I use to see this world. I think that I was rather reflexive. Until the day before yesterday I thought that I was a normal boy who does not use to make many questions about his life, but I was entirely wrong... My behaviour was not made from one day to other... I did not change so much as I Believed... Is hard to believe that when I was ten I thought that kind of things, and I had conscience to not say to anyone but my sister. Because I knew that my few friends will not understand me... But now, my few friends are different. And I'm kind of happy for this...

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