Nowadays ethnic violence is, somehow, something that confuses. If we do not have enough information we tend to think, and in consequence to make a belief, on reified social phenomena without being aware of it. Actually the so called ethnic conflict in Kyrguiztan is political since his origins. (It is not my intention here to discuss about this particular case, but to rethink about conflict depolitization.) This condition is not only about origins but also on effects, and following the example, the consequences of Kyrguiztan conflict is also political, and there is not much doubt about it.
Many are not aware that U.S. has important bases in Bashkek, which provides many supplies to Afghanistan, and if we are over-informated about the whole conflict, is due to this bases and not the violence or deaths. When we do think that is ethnicity and violent conflict that has caught world's attention, we are, also, not-considering politics, and depoliticising the nature of news impact.
But -somewhat- contrariwise, if we do follow Marxist analysis, we will find that politics is epiphenomena of economics as the first is the superstructure and the latter the structure. This tends to eliminate politics as explicative of conflicts and to reduce violence as 'non-natural'. The first, because violent conflict is also superstructural, and the only one real conflict is structural and economic (also material). The latter, because human nature in Marxism do not consider violence, actually the happy ending -communism- is utterly pacific.
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