9 May 2016


Oh dear little ant
the earth crumbles around you
how can you stay still?
Me da cierta nostalgia el olor del pan recién hecho
esperar religiosamente esa media hora de liudación
sentir la masa que me hace cosquillas debajo de las uñas
tirar los ingredientes a ojo intuyendo que algo me dirán por no usar medidas exactas.

The seasons pass on
one after the other
looking for your eyes

7 May 2016

Is it real kindness what lies within your warm heart and that spills out of your cold hand in mine? isn't it?

your staring eyes
a little lost
a little sad
yet so kind
made my day
maybe my year.
Could it last
till morning lights
pour our dreams
into no time
no place, but
you and me?
can you possibly
make it last
just this song,
a final dawn
that comes across
that charming smile
that I have
been dreaming of?
can you shed,
if it is
possible even share,
just a little
just a bit
of your smile
or your hand
resting in mine
so i can
finally sleep well
for one night
not waking up
for what I
been told repeatedly
is no reason?
tho' we all
know quite well
that nothing happens
for no reason,
is not it?